Well, my fellow bloggers...thought I better catch you up to date!!
Jesse's funeral/memorial all went well. People arrived...then people left....everything went really well and it sure was great to see everyone!! There is not a day that goes by that we don't say something about Jesse. We loved him so much and he will be missed dearly!
Jennie, Ryan, Katy, David, Heidi, Ellen and Meira all stayed at a friends house of Jennie while they were here. The house just happens to be empty (still has furniture) and is used as a get-a-way home for Jennie's friend Allison. It was the house that Allison grew up in and her mother passed away two years ago, but they still kept the house and all the belongings in it. So, long story short, Allison was happy to have someone staying there to keep an eye on things. The washer and dryer apparently do not work well, so they all asked me if I would mind washing the sheets and towels....i had no problem doing that for them. Jennie gave me a key and I went over there and made the beds again and put the towels away. Now I am working on getting the townhouse in order. I spent an hour over there one day on my lunch this past week and made a big dent in the cleaning. I had to take all the trash up to the street and then some more bags to the bank trash bin as there was so much of it!! I also gathered up the dirty sheets and towels from there and got all that done also. I should be done with the cleaning tomorrow and should only take another hour.
I stopped cleaning for Angie!!! I was just getting too frustrated with that place and not finding it enjoyable to help her anymore. She is divorced now, her kids have moved away, but now she's got a homeless family living with her temporarily and it just seems odd for me to be there when that lady that is living there should be cleaning for her instead, you know? I just can't see cleaning for her for so little money and its always messy and this last time I was there I could tell she was frustrated with her guests and expressed that to me. She actually was being quite rude to me and I decided...enough is enough. Reuben even quoted some quote saying "insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results"... I still clean for the Courtrights and usually she only needs me once a month, so that is perfect for me. Plus, I need to get back into working out more religiously and this free time on Saturday am will help with that.
I've been working on graduation announcements and have those all ready to mail out!! Kalyn only has 3 more weeks of school! Her graduation and party will be May 28th. Graduation is with a ticket only and then the party will be at our house from noon to 4. I am off work from the bank from May 23-June 3rd. I'm hoping to get the house clean for the party, cleaned after the party and then get Kalyn ready for her wisdom teeth removal during that time.
Tyler is putting the finishing touches on moving to Santa Fe this weekend. He borrowed my Jeep yesterday to take a load from ABQ to SF. He's got friends helping him today get the last big furniture and such. He is still job hunting so hopefully he finds something quick. I think his money supply is getting low!!
Mother's Day is right around the corner...had to get all my cards/gifts ready to send out for this next week also. You should see all the cards that need to go out between Mother's Day, Graduation and birthday's coming up that are all sitting on my counter ready to go out!!! lol
I'm hoping to make it to Maryland sometime this summer to visit with my Mom and then Carole Schultz wants Kalyn and I to go up to Denver for a weekend this summer and hang out with her. I know Reuben wants to go camping too and his daughter is setting up a family camping event for Father's Day weekend. I don't think Tyler or Kalyn will want to go and I really don't wanna go for 4 days. We shall see....
So, Reuben and I are doing ok these days. He has dedicated his life to God and got baptized in March. I think he is finally seeing that I am not ready to dedicate my life to God like he has and so we are unsure of our future right now. I am taking it a day at a time to help me get through this. He is such a wonderful person, very caring, very concerned about me and my kids and would do just about anything for me. But, when Kalyn and I were at the Jason Aldean concert, I thought to myself, there is no way Reuben would come to this concert with me. If there is an event that doesn't honor God, he will not go. I barely got him to go with me to the Easter egg hunt for church and afterwards he told me that he probably shouldn't have helped with that. So, I told him/asked him that I need to have someone in my life that will do things with me otherwise I have to find someone to go to these events with me. He understands that it is a legit claim that I have. It got him thinking that we may not be together because of his dedication to the Lord. He doesn't wanna pressure me into anything, which is very nice of him, and I think this is really hard for him cuz we were so close before he re-dedicated his life and now we are moving further and further apart. So, time will tell....I'm excited for some family to meet him at the graduation. I don't think he will be at the party though. :)
Well, that is all for now...I'm looking forward to seeing family the end of May. I'm hoping May is a good month also!! 2011 has not been a good year for me, so far. I'm staying positive though and hoping for the best!! Love to all...until next time....
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hey all,
I'm sure you have all heard the news, that my dear, dear former brother-in-law, Jesse W Schultz, passed away on April 12th. He was 30. His birthday is next Saturday the 23rd and I was just thinking about what to send him for his birthday, when we got the news. His memorial will be next Saturday, here in Los Alamos. Very sad times for everyone. We had just seen him in Florida, two weeks prior to his death, so it is really hitting us hard. Little did we know, that time we had would be the LAST time. We have good days and bad days around here...I'm sure next weekend will be a tough one. Words just can't describe how it is so hard to believe he is gone. I look at our Florida pictures with him in them, and it's just crazy that he is no longer there.
That's all I have for now....too sad.... Until next time...
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Hey all,
Just a quick note while I'm here working at the gym today...
Called Green Tree yesterday and they are still waiting for the guy to come take a picture of the outside of the house before they accept my landlords offer. They have no idea when the guy will come take the picture and it didn't sound like they really cared when he would get it done. Kind of strange, I think. I emphasized with the lady on the phone that I have this man interested in purchasing the home as soon as possible so if they could do anything to speed it along, I would appreciate it. She had no clue.... lol oh well...I will just keep calling and find out the status of it all.
We returned safely from Florida on Thursday at about 4pm in ABQ. We dropped Tyler off at home and then me and K ran a few errands and then headed up to Los Alamos. Friday I spent most of the day at home cleaning, getting organized, paying bills, etc and then had my annual eye exam appointment. He dialated my eyes this time, so that was kinda fun..not!! I couldn't read my shopping list when i went to the store afterwards!! LOL The doctor said my far sightedness is going very very slowly, but its nothing to worry about right now. He did print out my prescription in case I decided to get a pair of glasses for distances. I don't really see the need at this point. :)
All is going well here...I worked over at the Courtrights this morning for a little bit. She is having me start some Spring cleaning over there. That usually involves spraying off the two story deck outside for an afternoon, cleaning ceiling fans, vacuuming furniture and then polishing the wood cupboards. I did the furniture today. In the cleaning department, I am thinking of quitting my cleaning job with Angie. It is becoming too much over there. She lives alone, yet it is always such a mess and she keeps stacks and stacks of stuff everywhere, that it is really hard to clean around her mess and then it makes me feel like I'm not doing a good enough job for her. I may let her know that as of July 1st, I will no longer be cleaning. I will still do the Courtrights cuz she only needs me once a month and its so easy to clean for her. She only pays me $17 an hour, but Angie only pays me $15.
Kalyn is getting closer and closer to graduation!! Very excited for her!!
Tyler is doing well. He is getting closer to moving to Santa Fe. His job ends April 10th and he is vigorously looking for a new job in SF, as we speak. He put in his notice to the coffee place without having a new job, so I hope he has this figured out!!
Well, that is all I have for now. It is slow today at the gym..probably cuz most folks aren't back from Spring Break yet. The weather is really lovely, but there is a cold front coming in tomorrow. Love to all...keep writing...until next time...
Just a quick note while I'm here working at the gym today...
Called Green Tree yesterday and they are still waiting for the guy to come take a picture of the outside of the house before they accept my landlords offer. They have no idea when the guy will come take the picture and it didn't sound like they really cared when he would get it done. Kind of strange, I think. I emphasized with the lady on the phone that I have this man interested in purchasing the home as soon as possible so if they could do anything to speed it along, I would appreciate it. She had no clue.... lol oh well...I will just keep calling and find out the status of it all.
We returned safely from Florida on Thursday at about 4pm in ABQ. We dropped Tyler off at home and then me and K ran a few errands and then headed up to Los Alamos. Friday I spent most of the day at home cleaning, getting organized, paying bills, etc and then had my annual eye exam appointment. He dialated my eyes this time, so that was kinda fun..not!! I couldn't read my shopping list when i went to the store afterwards!! LOL The doctor said my far sightedness is going very very slowly, but its nothing to worry about right now. He did print out my prescription in case I decided to get a pair of glasses for distances. I don't really see the need at this point. :)
All is going well here...I worked over at the Courtrights this morning for a little bit. She is having me start some Spring cleaning over there. That usually involves spraying off the two story deck outside for an afternoon, cleaning ceiling fans, vacuuming furniture and then polishing the wood cupboards. I did the furniture today. In the cleaning department, I am thinking of quitting my cleaning job with Angie. It is becoming too much over there. She lives alone, yet it is always such a mess and she keeps stacks and stacks of stuff everywhere, that it is really hard to clean around her mess and then it makes me feel like I'm not doing a good enough job for her. I may let her know that as of July 1st, I will no longer be cleaning. I will still do the Courtrights cuz she only needs me once a month and its so easy to clean for her. She only pays me $17 an hour, but Angie only pays me $15.
Kalyn is getting closer and closer to graduation!! Very excited for her!!
Tyler is doing well. He is getting closer to moving to Santa Fe. His job ends April 10th and he is vigorously looking for a new job in SF, as we speak. He put in his notice to the coffee place without having a new job, so I hope he has this figured out!!
Well, that is all I have for now. It is slow today at the gym..probably cuz most folks aren't back from Spring Break yet. The weather is really lovely, but there is a cold front coming in tomorrow. Love to all...keep writing...until next time...
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