Monday, April 27, 2009


Hey all,

I'm exhausted!! LOL Sunday was my day off, so I was able to get a bunch of stuff done around the house. I finished the yardwork...mowing, etc, cleaned my co-worker Dave's house (which was filthy!!--had help with 2 people also), went for a run in the gorgeous weather and then Kalyn and I went to see "I love you Man". It was a good movie!!!! Busy, busy weekend, but next weekend won't be as bad. I'm hoping to schedule my massage that I have a certificate for and just do things around here and try to relax!! hahaha....we'll see what happens!!

Chatted with Shane this weekend. He is doing good. I felt bad I couldn't chat too much because I was so busy, but thankfully he understands! He's counting down the days and happy about his promotion and raise!!

Kids are good!! They stayed home most of the weekend, so that was nice.

That's about it...have a good week!! Until next time....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Springy Sunday

Hey all,

Haven't had much to write about this week, so I apologize about the "non-blogging". Hahaha... I'm finishing up the family newsletter as we speak, so be watching for that. For some of you, it's pretty much a recap of this blog so you may find it a bit boring, but then again...I don't put EVERYTHING on the blog either!!

Did a little yard work yesterday and cleaned for Marlene and then worked at the gym. Then I worked out, picked up Kalyn from work and then we both went to the grocery store to get some badly needed groceries. I made spaghetti and garlic/cheese toast when we got home and then threw some chicken in the crockpot so I could make bbq shredded chicken burritos!! I think I got up at 5am to shred the chicken, but now it's ready to be eaten at any time today!! So, yeah, yesterday was a busy one. I'm off today so catching up on stuff and gonna go clean my co-workers house cuz he is moving out of it. Kalyn is coming along to help me and another girl too. It's a small little house so won't take us long and we don't have to clean the entire house as he had a roommate and he is responsible for part of it also.

That's about it for now. I will blog more later and hopefully with some pics. Haven't taken any lately. Until next time...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NEW duty station assignment!!

Hey all,

Shane called yesterday and we discussed him coming home, etc and he had me go online to check his duty station and they changed it AGAIN!!! It is now Ft. Riley in Kansas!!!! Why they keep changing....I have no idea...but he is checking into it. He's a bit bummed that he won't be AS close, but he will still be closer than like OVERSEAS!! He will more than likely get deployed in a few months this is just a stepping stone. He will still come home in May and then drive to Kansas or wherever they change it to!! :)

Until next time....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Shane's Duty Station!

Hey all,

Just a quick post that Shane's duty station is Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, CO!!! So, he will only be about 5 hours away and can come home on some weekends depending on the price of gas!! :) He reports by June 29th, so he WILL be home for Ty's graduation and such and then will stay for a couple of weeks. When he leaves, he will take his truck and belongings and drive there so he has his vehicle with him. He will probably be there for a bit before deploying, at some point, but it's a great starting point!! :) Woohoo!!

Until next time....

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hey all,

Speaking of Prom (if you read Aunt Julie's blog, she mentions it is Prom in Durango tonight as well!!), it is Prom night here in good ol' LA!! Haven't really seen much of Tyler to find out any details like where they are eating or anything, but the kids did stop by the gym so I could snap a couple of photos for everyone. Don't they look adorable???!! Aww...

I have no prom stories to share. I was a good girl, always!! :)
Until next time....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shane Called

Hey all,

Shane gave me a quick call this afternoon. He is a bit sick, but doing fine!! They started AIT training already so he's into it about a week now. He said they are just "blowing stuff up". What every man wants to do right??!! Couldn't really hear him too well, but got the jist of his conversation. He's really happy right now and I'm so happy for him.

I'm making tacos so I better run...just wanted to let you all know he is doing great and moving forward with training!! He wants everyone to know that he is not ignoring you out there (the people that have written), he's just been busy.

Love to all. Until next time....

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Washer and Dryer

Hey all,

Just wanted to post a photo of my new washer and dryer!! I told the guys installing how I ordered it yesterday and that I got a call the same day saying the new appliances would be delivered the very next day. They said this was the only thing they had in stock so it must have been my lucky day!! The guys were very nice and even let me clean up underneath where the old washer and dryer sat. They said everyone they deliver to cleans up before they put the new ones in!! Pretty funny.

So, started a couple of loads already and it's working great!! :) Went to dinner with Tj and Diana tonight and that was really, really nice. Emily (Tyler's girlfriend) was working so we chatted with her and she served us water when she wasn't running around.

Have a good evening!! Until next time....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!!!

Hey all,

Hope you had a wonderful Easter today everyone!! We sure did!! We had a snowy weekend as well, so I've attached a snow photo for your viewing pleasure!!

My day started with me getting up, heading over to the washer to put my load of clothes into the dryer. Well, I begin taking the clothes out and they are SOAKED!! Uh oh....something's wrong with the spin cycle!!! I attempt to try the spin cycle on every cycle the washer has and it makes a groaning sound and does not spin. I even emptied the machine and still groaning and no spinning. SO, I decide...well...the dryer is also on its last leg and they are almost 15 years old AND Lowe's is having a special where you have no payments or interest for 1 I may as well order up a new set!! After a few grumbling texts to Shane about having to buy a new set, I got on the computer and ordered a new Whirlpool washer and dryer. Nothing fancy, but I did get the extra capacity model like I have now. Lowe's called today and they will be delivered tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited!!

I also borrowed the truck to our neighbors who have 2 broken down cars and then today I also gave my co-worker Dave a ride down to Pojoaque to get HIS car. I hope all these good deeds come back to me!!!

Kalyn and I dropped off two loads of laundry at the laundromat, drove over to the grocery store and by the time we came back the washers only had 2 minutes left to go. Talk about good timing. We then took those 2 loads home to dry with the un-broken dryer and then concentrated on our Easter dinner preparations. Kalyn whipped up the deviled eggs and cheese/cracker platter while I whipped up Gram D's famous corn casserole for the very first time. (It turned out delicious!!)

Tj, Diana, Diana's friend Jan (yes, the hot one), Tyler, Kalyn, Kevin and myself all enjoyed a bountiful Easter dinner and we all have a full belly to prove it. Tj brought the ham. Diana brought cokes and a beautiful Easter flower bouquet. Jan brought spinach salad and green salad. I made potato salad, jello with fruit and cool-whip, rolls, beans, the corn goo and then cheesecake for dessert. It was wonderful!! The peeps (haha get it-peeps) all came over shortly after 4 and stayed until about 6:30.

We were able to speak with Shane several times today and they had off post leave this weekend so they were out having fun. They went and saw the "Fast and Furious" movie. Shane is also an official soldier!! He finally graduated basic training on Thursday night. He's so proud!! He has 5 weeks to go now to complete his AIT training. Tj and Diana are trying to figure out how to go see him graduate on May 22 and be back for Tyler's graduation the next day!!

So, all in all, we had a wonderful day and hope yours out there went well also!! Until next time.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Thursday!!

Hey all,

Well, I've applied the mantra "one day at a time" to my life this week to see how that works for me and boy....have I had a GREAT week because of it!! It's too overwhelming sometimes to think of the coming days or week so I've really decided to stick to this phrase and so far, so good!!

I had my doctor and dentist appointments this week. I've been poked and proded in every place possible and had blood drawn so I think I've pretty much covered my entire body now. LOL I had blood drawn to check my thyroid levels and such just to make sure I'm good there. I'm not having any symptoms, but my health insurance now covers all lab work so I figured I better have it done now because who knows who we will have next year for our insurance at the bank.

Kids are good. Shane graduates tonight or tomorrow. Things are good!!! Until next time....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun Sunday in Albuquerque!

Hey all!!

Since Spring Break was a bust this week for the kids, weatherwise, funwise, it just wasn't that Kalyn and I decided we would take today and go have some fun!! It was girls' day to Albuquerque!! We had a nice time. We ate lunch at the Olive Garden (our fav!!!), did a little sight-seeing and shopping!! I bought a cute dress for Tyler's graduation/my 20th class reunion and it looks real nice on me!! I am posting a photo of it here. Got back home around 7pm and now ready for bed!!! It's been a busy weekend and next weekend will be the same. We are having Easter dinner here cuz poor Gram D can't cook or do anything too well one-handed. Should be fun though and looking forward to it!!

I'm also posting a photo of all the cats this morning on the couch. Quite the sight eh?? LOL

Have a great week everyone!! Until next time.....