Sunday, June 28, 2009

That's what I love about Sunday's......

Hey all,

Kalyn made it home safe and sound from her trip to Alaska!! I picked her up at the airport and then we had to wait for the next flight's luggage to come in, in order for Kalyn to get her suitcase. Wasn't too bad of a wait and then she changed her clothes and freshened up and then we headed over to Rio Rancho to go to Cottonwood Mall. I bought her a welcome home gift....a monkey from Build-a-Bear!!! I got my self a pink bear and we got to stuff it and put the heart in it all at the same time!! They have a little routine where you kiss the heart, make a wish, we got to do that together and then they close up your animal. It's so cute!! Then, you make your animal its very own birth certificate. It's a very cool store and we had fun in there.

I had a really nice lunch with Tyler on Friday. I took him to the Hill Diner. I had planned on asking him to go before Kalyn got home, but kept forgetting to ask him!! So, when he came in the bank on Friday, and I was about to go to lunch, I was like...hey...we should go to lunch!!! He obliged me and we went. He and Emily are planning on moving in together here in a few weeks in ABQ. They both plan on attending college and he says Emily's family is real supportive of the whole idea and will be helping them move and get settled. I made sure to let him know that if he needs anything, and we can help, we certainly will do that. A lot of their friends will be down there too, so he's really looking forward to it. I couldn't be more proud of him...

Shane comes home next weekend for the 4th!! He will arrive in NM and go straight to Santa Fe to put new tires on his truck. He plans to be here in Los Alamos in the afternoon and then will probably go straight to bed after being awake all night. I close the bank at 3, but then have to work at the gym at 6. So, I will probably go workout after the bank and then head home to see him and get ready to go to work again. Saturday the 4th, we are both running the YMCA 5K Firecracker run and then a day filled with food and fun!! Sunday we plan to hang around as well. He will leave early in the am on the 6th. Will be a nice weekend with us all together!!

That's all I've got for now. Enjoy the day!! Until next time....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hey all,

Tried to post last night from work on my Dell mini computer and the wifi connection was lost just as I hit "publish post" button.... so... lost my story I told....oh well!! LOL

Kalyn arrives in ABQ on Sat. am so I will go pick her up! I'm pretty excited to have her back! I have the weekend off so hopefully we can do something fun together. I work Mon, Wed, Fri nights at the gym this week so that I could be off to go get her.

Tyler is doing well. He went to a small concert up north this weekend. The bands are all local and he had a good time. He's still trying to figure out the college thing. UNM is waiting on a couple of things and he needs to hurry and get it turned in. Mostly Tyler is waiting on 2 schools to turn stuff in so it's really not Tyler who can control it.

Shane is looking forward to a hugh country concert this weekend with all kinds of stars/singers there. Kelly Pickler, Tim McGraw, James Otto...etc, etc. I hope he takes photos!! He will be home July 3rd and leave early in the am on July 6th. We are looking forward to his visit!! He needs new tires on the truck and our a/c line has a small leak so if I don't get it fixed before he gets here, then he gets to fix that also. :)

That's about all for now....Until next time....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Slower week!!

Hey all,

Just another quick one...

Shane informed me that they will have a 4-day weekend every month!! They just had one this past weekend. His next one will be the 4th of July, so he will be coming home for a short visit and will hopefully run the 5K with me!!! Should be a fun time and it will be here before we know it!!

Kalyn comes home the 27th and she is having a ton of fun with Gramma Joyce. They saw moose out in the wild last night and even 2 baby moose!! Kalyn said she took pics and I cant wait to see 'em.

Tyler is doing well. He bought a few things for his car stereo so he's been working on that lately. He's got a concert coming up that he is playing with his band so he's real excited about that.

As for myself.. slower week which is really nice and hoping I can finally get my newsletter out!!!! I'm really trying and it's the only thing on my plate right now to get done. I'm thinking of phasing it out since I have this blog. We will see.. had a nice dinner with Tj and Diana and Tyler last night at DeColores. They go every Monday night and I couldn't go LAST Monday cuz I was getting my hair cut and then had to go to work. They leave on Sunday for 2 weeks to go see Jennie and Ryan in Germany.

That's all I've got at the moment...almost closing time here at the gym. Love to all. Until next time....

Monday, June 15, 2009

Busy, busy.....

Hey all,

Just a quick blogging here this morning....

Shane is doing well and settling in his "dorm" type room. He told me yesterday they will be moving into some new barracks once they are built. His whole unit is brand new and they are training for their deployment to Iraq next year. He was also told that any training he would like to go do, he is welcome to it. He is thinking about jump school, etc. He was also asked to be the armour guy and drive the Sgt around so he goes for training in July sometime. He has a lot more info than I do, so I will get the rest and let you all know. He also has an address which is: PFC Schultz, Shane L Bld 7001 E Infantry Rd. Box 104 Ft. Riley, KS 66442.

Kids are great....Kalyn comes home in 2 weeks and Tyler is working and hanging out with friends lately.

Ive been busy catching up with clients and their houses and doing things around here. Keeps me moving but this week should be a bit slower so I can get my newsletter out and keep up on here also. I signed up for the 4th of July 5K so Im looking forward to that. :)

Love to all and until next time....

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yes, it is June!!

Hey all,

Been real busy since all the company left....had to catch up on cleaning and laundry and then had to catch up on my clients homes that I missed cleaning as well. Whew I'm exhausted!! This coming week I have to work an extra day at the gym, but that is ok since Kalyn is out of town. Not a whole lot to do when she is gone. I played golf for the first time ever last weekend and here is a photo of me in action. :)

Tyler is settling into post graduation life and haven't seen him around too much lately!!

Shane is settling into his barracks tonight and does get to stay there contrary to what he was told earlier in the week. They said he may have to rent a place off base. So, we were a little scared we would be paying for him to rent a place as well. Things are working out so far, so that is good.

Kalyn is having fun in Alaska with Gramma and hopefully I hear from her soon.

Watch for the Schultz newsletter as I will try to get it out soon. Until next time...