Saturday, September 26, 2009

End of can that be??

Hey all,

Well, here we are almost to October!! 2009 is just flying by at a rapid speed!!

Kalyn was unable to take her drivers test. It had been a year since her written test, so they made her retake that and then reschedule the driving part. Her new test date is October 14th. Kalyn is going to Homecoming with friends next weekend (Oct 3rd), so we bought her a cute black dress.

Tyler is doing fine. He is really busy with school and working. Since Emily is a vegetarian, I had been wanting to buy them a rice cooker for their apartment. I finally ordered one and had it delivered to their apartment and Tyler told me they got it alright. He will come for a visit around Thanksgiving.

Shane is doing really well. He has been promoted to Specialist now!! Woohoo!! He is also in charge of the armory and has over 2 million dollars in equipment that he is responsible for. Yikes!!

I'm doing well and enjoying the time I have with just Kalyn at home. We get along well and she is still at a point in her life that she WANTS me to be around her, so I'm taking advantage of that. :) When I'm not working, I'm trying to get her to come exercise with me and then she's been doing really good on her homework while I cook her dinner. It's working out well and like I said, I'm enjoying this time with her.

Not doing a whole lot this weekend. I got a lot of my "projects" completed last weekend, so that is nice. I did buy a plastic shelf unit for the storage shed to get the paint cans, gas cans, gloves, etc off the floor of the shed and now there is more room and looks nicer. I'm working at the gym today and cleaning for Angie tomorrow a.m. Kalyn suggested that we go to a movie tomorrow, but we will see.

That's about it for now. I will be sending out my newsletter here soon. I have decided to make it quarterly. Be on the lookout. Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are adjusting to it being just you two girls at home. And there is always Kevin just a holler away if you need a man for anything. I got a lot of bills paid this weekend and had the kids here so I didn't accomplish much but it was a fun weekend. Love, MOM
