Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mid September....

Hey all,

Yeah, yeah, I's been awhile since I last wrote...just didnt have time or feel like updating!! I'm working at the gym today, so I may as well take the time to type away!!!

I'm up for a promotion at work...still haven't been told how much or anything yet. Hopefully they get on that soon so i can figure out my life and my jobs!! I may be dropping a night or two at the gym and also only clean for the Courtright's. I'm excited and scared, but I do need more work to do and the experience will be wonderful for me. Also at the bank, Catrina is back full-time as a teller!! She quit 4 1/2 years ago and I took her position over at the Customer Service desk cuz she had it sooo organized!! Cat will back me up at work and also help Carl at the teller line. Lesley got promoted to manage all 5 offices of Community Bank and so she will be very busy with that. I even get my own office if it all works well.

Kalyn is doing really well and really getting anxious to graduate!! She had her ultrasound and xray of her stomach yesterday and we will find out the results soon. The doctor said he couldn't see anything on the xray, but would wait to take a look at the ultrasound too. She doesn't have any pain if she stays away from spicy foods, which she has been. Poor thing...

Tyler is good...we went to ABQ and saw his place, went to lunch and also to see his new kittens, Zoe and Mikey. They are cute.

The state fair is going on right now, but I don't think we will make it this year. I've never been to it, so I'm ok with that!!

Three more weeks until Reuben and I leave for St. Thomas (virgin islands) for his daughters wedding on 10-12-10. We are both so excited. I think I am ready as far as any necessary clothing etc. I will get to use my new luggage, all 3 swimtops, hobo bag, beach towel, water's all the stuff I have bought since Xmas cuz I knew I would need them for this trip. Lying on a beach sounds REAL good...right now!! lol

Can't think of anything more exciting right now. Just working away as usual and I've been exercising more too, so I'm feeling the good effects of that. I'm hoping when I cut back down on jobs, I will have lots more time to workout!!

You all take care!! Until next time...


  1. Wow I didn't realize it had been so long since you updated your blog!!
    Everything sounds good!!!
    I bet you are really excited about the trip but I worry about the hurricanes!
    Love, mom

  2. (I just read your mom's comment...I was thinking about hurricanes, too!!! argh!! always a mom, i guess!!) WOO HOO on your upcoming promotion!!! you know i stand in your corner all the way! I'll just have to come in to your new office!! keep me posted! miss you still!! es
