Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hey all,

This morning I worked on getting the kids' FAFSA paperwork done. It is a government form you fill out, online, and you put in all your tax info, etc and at the end it tells each kid, what kind of grants/loans, etc they are eligible for, off of my income. You have to have your taxes pretty much done to figure all this out. They typical, or colleges rather, would like parents to file them by 3/1. I got both of them done today, since each of them is interested in taking colleges courses in the Fall. I'm proud of my self for getting it done already.

When I got done with that, I had a quick facial over at my friend Tatiana's house. Her and Reuben trade services with each other (he gives her massages, she gives him or me facials) so I am able to do this for no cost!! Today she did a microderm abrasion and boy does my skin look great!! Never had that done before!

I got back home and then began doing dentist research for Kalyn. She is having her wisdom teeth out by June and I need to make sure that both insurances she has, will cover and how much etc. I think I've got everything figured out, just waiting to hear back from the Army insurance to see if I need a pre-auth from them. The dentist we have in mind, Dr. Carlberg, is covered under the Army one for sure and then for my insurance, they said they would file for me. Hopefully we won't have to put too much money down on this.

All this fun stuff is a little time consuming so I made sure to do it this morning when it was quiet around here! I'm heading to work now and then I've got another busy week coming up.

Shane is deploying by the end of the month, so him and Stephanie are coming to town on Wed and stay through til Sunday to see the kids. I believe they are staying at Diana and Tj's townhouse. They are bringing their dog, Sadie, with them too. Kalyn loves that dog!!! lol

That's about all I've got for right now. Love to all...until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Aren't the FAFSA's fun? Seems like yesterday I was doing Jon's!
    Sounds like you are organized as ever and good to see you checking on the insurance early.
    Kevin's insurance at the time, paid for Jon's wisdom teeth to get pulled so I didn't have to worry about that.
    Have a good weekend.
