Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend!!!

Hey all,

Well, I'm pretty super pumped for the Super Bowl tomorrow. you ask? Well, because only my favorite team in the whole wide world is playing!!!!! Go Green Bay!!!! woo!!!

I've got about 11 people showing up for my Super Bowl party tomorrow at 4pm!! Should be a grand time. I am baking cupcakes this morning and then tomorrow after church, will stop at Smith's and pick up a few last minute items for the feast. Then, go home and make my chili in the crockpot so peeps can have chili or frito pies!! Frito pies is more or less a chili salad with fritos on top. Delicious!! I'm also serving queso with chips, homemade salsa with chips, nuts, cupcakes and punch. Plus I will have all the trimmings for the frito pies. Someone else is bringing wine/beer, some kind of frito dip and chips. I didn't really feel the need for everyone to bring stuff. I just wanna have a great time without trying to figure out who's bringing what!! Really pumped about this if you can't tell!! We all will watch on our 32" tv we got back in November as an early Christmas gift. My other tv had finally crapped out.

Today I just work at the gym, so I got the cupcakes made, some cleaning up around the house, laundry and me and the kids' taxes all filed this morning!! What an awesome feeling to have all that done! Next, I'm gonna work on birthday/Valentine cards for February. I do need to file the FAFSA stuff for each kid before March 1st (it's a college report thing to see what kind of aid Tyler and Kalyn are eligible for, for college), but I will do that next weekend or on the 21st when I'm off work.

Reuben is out of town and that's probably why I'm getting so much stuff done!! LOL his youngest daughter, Cosette, had moved to CA with her boyfriend back in September, but has never been able to get a job and now her bf, may be getting laid off, so they decided since their lease was up on the apartment, that they better figure stuff out now. She is moving back home to her mom's house, here in town. Sooo, Reuben flew to LA (Los Angeles, not Los Alamos) yesterday and today they are driving back in her red PT Cruiser! They should get to town about 10pm tonight. Reuben has been sick the past couple of weeks so he hasn't been working much. Not good when you are self employed!

Kalyn went to a concert last night, Blind Melon and Candlebox, at the Hard Rock Hotel in ABQ with a coworker. She had a great time! I was all alone last night, which was kind of a nice break! I worked at the bank til 6, went and worked out, went and got me some BBQ from Bob's Bodacious BBQ and then went to Keith's and ate and visited with him, then went home, straightened up some stuff, got settled in and watched "Saw 7: the Final Chapter". It was pretty good! I like all those Saw movies!! Then, I tv surfed and went to bed. Kalyn got home about midnight, just as I was getting settled in bed. Kalyn had dinner with Tyler last night too and I guess they had fun.

I told the kids about our plans for Spring Break yesterday!! I asked them to please keep it between us so that no one's feelings out there, get hurt. I am taking both kids and myself to Florida on March 28th and we come back on March 31st!! We are staying with Tj and Diana and they are gonna take us to Universal Studios, Disney World, the beach and whatever else we can fit in!! Should be fun as Uncle Jesse is there too. I'm so excited to be able to go somewhere with them and it should be a fun time!! We are flying Southwest so there are no bag fees or anything too. That is a big help!!

So, that's our happs around here. The weather has been sooo cold that parts of NM were without gas since Thursday!! I can't even hardly imagine what that would be like. Los Alamos is on a separate pipe system so we didn't have any disruptions, thank goodness!! We would have had broken pipes all over the place!! ugh.... but yeah, all is well up here in LA.

I will take pics at the party tomorrow and post as soon as I can! Hopefully, the Pack do well tomorrow!! I'm just happy they are there! I got my new Rodgers jersey ready and clean to put on...actually....we get to wear them to church tomorrow too!! It's Jersey Sunday!! LOL

Love you all....until next time!


  1. Hey Toots! Have a great Super bowl party! I won't be watching...not a football fan. At all. But, I'll be hearing all about it at work on Monday, am sure. What fun for you and the kids to go to Florida!

  2. Are the kids excited about the trip to Florida?
