Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hey all,

Been a wild and crazy weekend with the Wild Card games this weekend. All I can say is...WOW! Teams I didn't think that could pull it off, did and so I am just flabbergasted about the teams that are moving on. I suppose it is a good thing that the same ol' teams aren't playing next week. Becomes a little "predictable", if you will. Packers play the Giants next Sunday. Looking forward to that!!

Kids are doing well. Kalyn signed up Sasha for doggy lessons starting this week and she also got a new tattoo with her Uncle Dave and Aunt Heidi. They all went and got new ones. Tyler is just working away and having a lot of band practices. I really missed his music when he wasn't living here. It's really nice to come home and hear him playing! Quite the musical talent!!

Not too much going on with me. Just working like usual. Mrs. Courtright is needing me a lot more these days...decided to put all the money from her in a separate savings account to see what I come up with by year end. I also put $1's in another savings and use that for the kids' birthday and Christmas gifts. For 2011, I saved up $600 in $1's..can you believe it?? They each got $150 for their birthday and also for Christmas. It is such a relief to not have to worry about coming up with the money, I just save and save and voila....I've got a good chunk sitting there to give them.

Had a pretty good weekend...didn't workout, but I will be Mon, Wed and Fri this week, so that is fine. I had my dental appointment and mammogram last Thursday...not at the same place or time...My teeth are in excellent shape and I will get a report in the mail in regards to the mammogram. Trying to get all my appointments done and out of the way. I also need to figure out my vacation for this year. I get 5-6 weeks, so I need to decide what and where I'm going this year. I'm thinking of driving up to Minnesota/Wisconsin and take 2 weeks for that. We shall see how the funds go the first part of this year.

Thought I would change up my blog picture and also updated my profile. Thanks for reading and keep in touch! Love to all, until next time...


  1. Hey Tootsie! Glad everything is working out for you. Love that photo of you. Love you! Aunt Jacque.

  2. I too just LOVE that photo of you and I like the updated blog profile.
    I ended up saving up $60 in ones from June thru December! Thanks for the idea!
    I think I gave your kids some of them for Christmas too! LOL

  3. geez could've gone to the bank first!! LOL i was wondering what the deal was! LOL

  4. LOL - I thought it would be fun for them to count out all those ones!!! lol mom
