Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK day! 2012

Hey all,

Well, it's been a pretty uneventful,long weekend! I was supposed to have plans with a couple friends and none of it ended up working out, so I spent my evenings catching up on tv shows and/or movies, which was really nice! I watched "Black Swan" and "Horrible Bosses", last night. I went to a movie Saturday night with my friend, Winters. He's like going out with your gay guy friend....very nice guy, but not one you would probably date. He's pretty cute too, but oh well...he was the only one I could get to go with me to see "Contraband". I had a movie giftcard so paid for both movies with that. :)

I had to work at the gym Saturday afternoon and then yesterday morning I cleaned for the Courtright's. In the time between all that, I just cleaned the house, got rid of some stuff and organized a few things. I'm constantly going through things as my taste changes....things I've had laying around, I finally put away or get rid of (or reminds me of my "previous" life). I also drove down to Walmart in Espanola on Saturday morning. Haven't been down there in FOREVER! I had to return a poster frame that I had bought for Tyler, that was too big, so found a smaller one and got some new picture frames for the living room. Came right back home, cuz I had to work at 1 at the gym. But, it was a good time!

This week and next I'm real busy with work and appointments! Tomorrow, my new car is getting an early oil change. The guy I bought it from recommends an oil change at 1000 miles cuz of the new wear on the parts, etc, so he said there's metal pieces and such in there, so I will have that done tomorrow and then not again for another 5000 miles. I have a haircut appointment and also a couple of doctor appointments thrown in there. My doctor thinks I may have fibroids so we're gonna check that out by ultrasound this week. They said no surgery is involved and they will just have to go in and clean things out. I noticed an issue after I workout, so brought it up to the doctor. I also have a tummy that likes to grumble, grumble constantly, so I'm going to see a homeopathic doctor and she will test me and see if we can alter anything in my diet to help with that. I've tried some pills you take after or before you eat, but doesn't help all the time. I have to be really careful of what I eat also...even healthy things like peppers and such, I can hardly eat. If it's spicy...forget about it! lol So, those are my fun things going on.....

Kids are doing fine. Kalyn will be starting to get her school loans in order soon and she continues to work at Piercing Pagoda. She is looking for another job closer to home and not so strict with sales and such. If she doesn't make enough sales or sell enough warranties, they let you go. January has been slow, so she is worried about the "firing" thing. Tyler keeps working and finally starting to save some money and continues to practice guitar here and with friends. His girlfriend Sydney, just had her birthday yesterday.

I'm trying to figure out my vacation for this year. I get 5-6 weeks off, so thinking about what my options are. I really want to drive up to Minnesota/Wisconsin for a couple of weeks, but then my other time off, I will probably have to stay home, but just be off. (Mom, if you are gonna come down, let me know so I can take that time off) I'm really wanting this year to be better for me, financially. Last year was a nightmare with all the money that I had to spend. Not gonna do it again...

I bought Brooke Burke's new DVD's to workout to...I tried one this morning and man-oh-man...I am feeling it!! It's a great workout and gets ya sweatin'!! I also bought Rob Lowe's new paperback book "Secrets I only tell my Friends"...I plan to get reading on that today! If anyone wants to read after me, let me know. I also have a book that Jennie White's (Tj's daughter) hubby Ryan sent to me to read "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. I've had it for about a year and have not started it yet. It's supposed to be real good. I'm not much for reading, really, but if I find a good book or hear about it, I will read it. I record "Live with Kelly" and saw both Brooke Burke and Rob Lowe on her show and got the idea to get their stuff. I had some Christmas money to spend, so there you go.

Is it bad that I have my kid's Valentine gifts all ready to go?? LOL I also have Auntie Jacque's birthday gift waiting to mail and also am sending her some fabric to make me some kleenex thingees to hand out. I love that idea! I hope she doesn't mind whipping some up for me. :)

Still sad about the Pack losing, but oh well..they had a great my weekends will be back to normal and I can workout more! And go to Bible study!! :) Love to all and until next time....


  1. Hey Toots...I am so happy that things are working out for you...personally and financially.

    I want to see Contraband...gotta love Mark Wahlberg!

    HA! You're crackin' me up! Had to read it here, hey? This is the first I knew that you wanted me to make some kleenex cozies for you! LOL I love ya big bunches and will do anything for you, you know that. Send the package anytime.

    Love, Aunt Jacque.

  2. Glad you are doing well. Let us know about the fibroids. I'm bummed about the Packers too but they had an awesome year. I would love to read Rob Lowe's book. Hope to see you on your vacation. Give us a heads-up! Love you!! Auntie Julie

  3. Well you are a busy girl as always!
    Glad things are getting organized and thrown out - that's my favorite thing these days too.
    Less clutter - more room!! LOL
    love you - mom
