Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Slumdog" Saturday

Hey all!! Went and saw the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" today. EXCELLENT movie!! No wonder it is winning so many awards at the awards shows and such! I highly recommend it. The next one I am waiting to go see is "The Uninvited". It's only playing in Santa Fe at the moment. Kalyn went and saw it and said it was really good!

Shane was able to call today. He's doing better and hoping to find out next week what they will do with him as far as either sending him home to heal or just have him heal there. He's not having much pain right now, so I am praying he can just heal and move on!! I'm so looking forward to a life in the military and want this to work!!

The kids are both at work right now and I'm just hanging out catching up on stuff here. Laundry, dishes, etc. Both kids spent the night at friends' houses last night so I came home from working at the gym to an empty house. It was nice and peaceful here with the kitties!!

Aunt Julie confirmed her reservations with us for Tyler's graduation. The house will be at max capacity so we may have to set people up in tents in the yard!! not really.

Have a good weekend all!! Until next time....


  1. What is the Uninvited about? It is not the scarey movie is it? I have seen previews of
    Slumdog Millionaire but didn't think it looked all that good. Perhaps I will have to see it.
    Who did you go with to the movie? You aren't going alone are you???? LOL mom

  2. I went with Marlene. I could never go alone, although there was a lady there alone!! hahah yep the Uninvited is scary-ish.

  3. Jody, stop making up words like "scary-ish" and btw when are we gonna see some bikini photos on this blog, we all know you've been working out so just post em already...gosh!

  4. Hey Toots...glad to hear you did something for yourself...and had time alone. Rare, I know. Keep us informed with what's going on with Shane. Hi to all! Love, Auntie Jacque.

  5. I'll take the green tent with the queen size bed and satin sheets!! Peace and quiet when the kids are gone! such luxury! Hope Shane goes forward now. Love, Auntie Julie
