Thursday, July 21, 2011

New kitchen table!

Hey all,

Thought I would throw a pic up of my new kitchen table. Ordered a baker's rack to match it today! Can't wait to get it next week. Can't take a pic of the couch yet as it's all covered nicely with sheets so Sasha doesn't ruin it!! LOL I promise to take a pic soon!!

Speaking of Sasha, if you hadn't heard, she jumped or fell out of Kalyn's bedroom window the other night!! Very scary. Apparently Kalyn jumped out of bed and went to rescue her outside and Sasha was all happy to see Kalyn!! The screen was down on the ground, the flower planter spilled and then the metal bar was all bent as well!! Sasha had quite the fall, but seems fine!!

That's all I've got for right now....catching up on household duties tonight!! Love to all and until next time...


  1. Very nice, Toots! And, Sasha went out the window??? That's amazing!

  2. I can't believe I missed this posting with the pic of your new table!!! Very nice!!!!
    That baker's rack will really look nice in there too.
