Hey all,
Hope this finds you all well and happy out there!! Remember how I said I would scream if anything else broke in my life?? Well....I didn't scream, but I seriously thought about screaming and here's why....
My Jeep was fixed in November...it was the 1/2 shaft problem that I told you all about. Well, now it started making a knocking noise in that same area but only as I would go uphill or accelerate. It would make the noise whether i was in 4 wheel-drive or not. I had Brian look at it again and he heard the noise and said he would replace the 1/2 shaft again in case that part was defective, but if THAT didn't work, it would be the drive shaft, which could cost a very pretty penny to replace. Well, I was just hoping and praying (alot of praying) that it was just the 1/2 shaft and nothing else. All of this is due to the lift that Shane put on the Jeep about 5 years ago. The Jeep is really not meant to be lifted so the parts are suffering under there! lol Brian finally got to changing out the shaft yesterday and said he looked at the drive shaft and it "looked" fine, which is good, but still worrisome...if anything else happens, I won't be able to afford to fix it, so I decided to trade it in!! I've got some friends helping me look for a smaller SUV type vehicle. These friends would be Beth and Buddy that own an auto shop and also sell cars out of Alamogordo, NM for a family member. They always have cars up here for sale and Reuben actually bought his Honda from them. I will keep you posted on that!! I'm hoping to have a new vehicle by the new year!!
Kalyn quit her Spencer's job at the Roseville mall and then got a promotion and raise at her job at Piercing Pagoda!! She is so excited and happy about this promotion and she will be working ALOT from what she tells me. She's kind of a manager figure now. Very proud of her! She turns 19 tomorrow!!! My baby girl!!! LOL
Tyler is doing well. Keeps plugging away at work and playing his guitar and going to practices, etc. His girlfriend Sydney is real nice. She comes over alot and they watch tv or play PS2 in the living room. Whenever I'm home, I usually hang out in the kitchen/my bedroom area so I don't disturb them! I quite enjoy having him around!
So, my computer (HP) that I bought a little over a year ago from Cliff, broke a week ago on Friday night!! LOL....I called Cliff right away and he had me drop it off to him and also my Dell computer that I had in my closet! He said the HP, motherboard, went out and was angry with me that I had this "very nice" Dell, hiding in my closet!!! So, he hooked me up big time and fixed the Dell and now I'm back in business again. He said the Dell should be just fine for a long time to come. He saved my pics and music too, so he is a godsend and only charged me $75! I gave him a $100 cuz he saved my life! lol Then, our computer modem has been acting up and I even had the Qwest guy come over and he said all the internet lines work just fine so it was my modem that I bought at Radio Shack that was broke. So, I took it back and exchanged it for another modem (same one) and it worked for a bit, but internet kept going up and down, up and down..ugh...I was frustrated, Tyler was frustrated...so finally...the other day we hooked up the free modem that the Qwest guy gave me (he's my neighbor and felt bad I was having issues...didn't charge me for the home visit either!!) and oh....my....goodness....the internet works soooo fast, and efficient and almost faster than we can handle!! Now why did I let that modem sit around for two weeks??? I have no idea...scared that it might actually work??? LOL so, now our internet is back to normal! I took the modem back to Radio Shack and the owner gave me store credit, but I know what I'm gonna buy with it...its that new radio thing for emergencies that has a USB charger, radio, flashlight stuff on it..made my the Red Cross or something?? But its a cool thing to have when the power goes out, which it does a lot here!! I'm excited to go buy it!!
Catrina and I went and saw the movie "Tower Heist" the other night. It was really good!! Then, last night, right after work, we drove down to Santa Fe for dinner and then to finish our Xmas shopping. We hit good, good deals at Kohl's and then Target and our final stop was Best Buy so she could buy a new, huge tv! She got a 46" for $750. Its a Samsung and very nice! We closed down Best Buy and went racing back and forth between there and Target to get the best deal! Quite hilarious, to be honest! We had a great time..got home about 11:30 pm, then I stayed up wrapping gifts and such. I got stocking stuffers for me, Ty and K. I got K and Sasha matching stockings and will send that box up to her here soon. I wrapped all her little stocking stuffers to she has stuff to open. I may post a pic. I got Sasha a toy and treats to put in her stocking! I'm such a good "grandma"! lol K will be alone as Dave and Heidi go to her parents house for Xmas, so I figure I better send a little love from home to her! I've sent her like 3 boxes in the past couple weeks too! I was gonna send K her stocking I have here at the house, but figured it would be better if her and Sasha had matching ones there in MN. They are huge and long. Kalyn's has a "K" and Sasha's has an "S" on the front of the stocking!
I mailed about 6-7 boxes total then of cookies and gifts to people! I think this is the most ever, that I have shipped! I truly enjoyed it all though. I love the baking and then sending the finished products for people to try! I almost had a fight here in the gym over my cookies!! Chuck, my friend, told me "thank you for the cookies, they were delicious", right in front of my other friend, Manny. Manny got all hurt and thought I "gave away HIS cookies" to Chuck! I said "no, I've got your cookies at my house still", well he was all hurt and teasing me that I "gave away his cookies"! ohman...boys!!! :)
Jobs are going well! I've been working 3 days a week at the gym again and not hardly cleaning for the Courtrights lately as Mr. C is in a rehab in ABQ now. Mrs. C has been keeping the house clean as she is hardly there now. She's gonna use me before Xmas, I'm sure. Bank is doing really well and we are having our Xmas dinner on the 22nd at DeColores! Catrina is gonna be my date as neither of us have boyfriends right now! Catrina got hired at the gym now too, so we both have two jobs, at the same places! She's a good friend. We also go to the same church so we get to see each other a lot! Our football teams play each other tomorrow, so there is a bit of rivalry going on!
I had an awesome massage today with a new lady, and it was really really good, so I plan to go back to her!
Well, i will end this now. Until next time.... :)