Monday, April 27, 2009


Hey all,

I'm exhausted!! LOL Sunday was my day off, so I was able to get a bunch of stuff done around the house. I finished the yardwork...mowing, etc, cleaned my co-worker Dave's house (which was filthy!!--had help with 2 people also), went for a run in the gorgeous weather and then Kalyn and I went to see "I love you Man". It was a good movie!!!! Busy, busy weekend, but next weekend won't be as bad. I'm hoping to schedule my massage that I have a certificate for and just do things around here and try to relax!! hahaha....we'll see what happens!!

Chatted with Shane this weekend. He is doing good. I felt bad I couldn't chat too much because I was so busy, but thankfully he understands! He's counting down the days and happy about his promotion and raise!!

Kids are good!! They stayed home most of the weekend, so that was nice.

That's about it...have a good week!! Until next time....


  1. I have 3 movies here to watch and had NO time for a movie this weekend. Too busy with paperwork, dusting, knitting, crocheting, dishes, laundry and phone calls!!!
    Have a good day!!!

  2. Every person I know had a busy weekend. Must be the nicer weather and spring chores.

  3. All you people doing yard work are making me tired. I just got over being sick so I am NOT doing any yard work yet!!!
    I will be lucky to get my housework done this week! MOM

  4. LOL..nice mom!!! :) Has to be done and it looks sooo nice and green now. i need to plant some grass seed, but don't have our outside water hooked up yet, so can't do that yet. Cleaned out my shed Monday night and got that all organized. i got the bitty baby tub up front if you want to look through it while you are here!!?? :)
