Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Thursday!!

Hey all,

Well, I've applied the mantra "one day at a time" to my life this week to see how that works for me and boy....have I had a GREAT week because of it!! It's too overwhelming sometimes to think of the coming days or week so I've really decided to stick to this phrase and so far, so good!!

I had my doctor and dentist appointments this week. I've been poked and proded in every place possible and had blood drawn so I think I've pretty much covered my entire body now. LOL I had blood drawn to check my thyroid levels and such just to make sure I'm good there. I'm not having any symptoms, but my health insurance now covers all lab work so I figured I better have it done now because who knows who we will have next year for our insurance at the bank.

Kids are good. Shane graduates tonight or tomorrow. Things are good!!! Until next time....


  1. You are lucky to have that kind of insurance. Glad you are healthy!! MOM

  2. Glad things are going good. Can't wait another 6 weeks! Happy to hear you are ok. Hope I can see Shane when he gets home this summer. Love,Auntie Julie
