Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kalyn's trip and other news

Hey all,

Here are a few photos I promised of Kalyn's trip. She had a great time!!! Kind of hard to narrate the photo, but pretty much they went to Hard Rock Cafe, Sea World and the beach!! She actually told me that she was a little afraid to attend the Shamu show. I told her she would be fine and her father told her if Shamu bites you, just bite back!!!! Noone got bit, thank goodness!!

My mom STILL has not left Anchorage and now the airport is closed indefinately!! She does have a scheduled flight out on Tuesday am, but not even sure about that. There is ash falling everywhere. I feel so bad for her!!! Please keep good thoughts for mom in hopes that she can leave safely!!

I cleaned for Marlene yesterday and then came home and cleaned my house!! I was able to get a lot done around here. Laundry, cooking lunch, etc and even got some things put away that don't need to be out and went through some clothes in the closet, etc. I'm still trying to whittle things down before company gets here in about 6 weeks!! There's going to be alot of people here so I want to have as much room as possible for them.

Kalyn had to work yesterday so I took her, went and worked out at the gym, came home, showered, got ready, went and picked Kalyn up and then we stopped by Christine's new apartment by the high school. She just moved in on Thursday. It's a real cute little place and Marlene had given me a crockpot to give her so we dropped that off as well. We had a nice little visit and she showed us all her purchases she had made at Walmart that day for her new place. It's real cute!! Christine is the one that used to work at the bank, left and went back to college, graduated and is now back at the bank while her boyfriend is off at Ft. Knox, KY in basic training!! He will be in training for another several months so she came back to LA until he is settled and she may go join him. So, we chat a lot about our men being in the Army and such.

That's all I've got for now. I work at the gym today 2-6 and I will be sending out the family newsletter today as well so watch for that. Until next time.....


  1. Thanks for the pictures of Kalyn. Looks like a fun time in CA! It is very quiet here with NO air travel at all!!!!!! Wish me luck getting out Tuesday. I may go in to work just to earn some money and save on my vacation time. MOM

  2. Looks like Kalyn had fun. Thanks for mentioning how excited I am about going to Gabriels, cuz I AM !!!! Too bad about Shane. I just sent out a letter to him Sat. More days off in July will probably be worth it, so we'll keep you busy with our visit! Love, Auntie Julie
