Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Hey all!!!

Just a quick note this morning. Hope everyone is well out there. There have been a few break-ins in the neighborhood with people stealing things out of cars so we've been taking extra precautions to make sure the vehicles are locked, etc. Our neighbor had her wallet stolen (not sure why people STILL keep their wallets in their vehicles)and another neighbor had his GPS taken. Tyler doesn't usually keep his doors locked so I had to gently remind him!!

Kalyn has a choir concert tonight and I'm off work so I actually get to go!! I think Christine, from work, is gonna go along also. I will try to remember my camera and take pics so that I can post here!!

That's about it for now. Happy Tuesday!!

Until next time....


  1. Hey be sure to make sure you have your house doors locked too!! Have a good time at the choir concert. Tell Kalyn to hit all the high notes. Tell Tyler to listen to mom!
    Tell the kids hi for me.
    Love to you all,

  2. Hey, also, leave on your porch lights. I read about visibility being a factor in thefts.
    On a better note, Jody this page is great; way to go!
    Take care;
