Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday....almost the end of the work week....well for some!

Hey all,

Just a quick update....

Kalyn got home safe and sound and had a wonderful time in San Diego. She even had a sunburn!!! She said they came back through Phoenix so she was happy about that. She also arrived home to a SEVERE wind storm!!! It was awful!! Thought we would blow away driving down the road! I didn't sleep well that night, but I did recover the next night...thank goodness.

Tyler is doing well and beginning to get his room clean for company!! He plans on cleaning it out next week (Spring Break) and also going "camping a lot", he says. :) It's been cold, so we will see.

Shane got moved to his new company and they are in week 7 which was perfect for him! His graduation date is May 22nd, which is the day before Tyler's high school graduation. I assume I will be picking him up from the airport on the 23rd in the evening time, which is perfect cuz then Tyler's party should be over by then. It will be nice to have him home while everyone is here. He will also get to see Kalyn before she leaves with my mom to Alaska for a month. We didn't think he would be home til June and then he would miss seeing her.

I am doing well. Had an eye doctor appointment and my vision is good, just a slight vision impairment, but not enough for glasses YET!! I also have an eye allergy so I have prescription drops now. They seem to be working well. I mentioned it cuz my eyes are always red and itchy and I use over the counter eye drops daily. When I went to Alaska, the whites of my eyes turned a pure white!! So, I knew I had something going on. I have a doctor and dentist appointments in April. Should be fun! ha-ha

Until next time....


  1. Isn't it strange that your eyes clear up here in Alaska and Tyler's allergies would go away??? Must be something there that really irritates.
    Glad Shane is coming home and I was so excited to get that 3rd letter from him now. I am leaving for my trip tonight so text me when you can since I wll be traveling for 12 hours. MOM

  2. Glad the kids are doing well. I'll babysit while you go and get Shane LOL
    New Mexico has a lot of sand and dryness.
    Can't wait to see you all!
    Love, Auntie Julie
